
Welcome to my blog! Over the course of the next few months I will be following the election of the 23rd congressional district of New York as part of one of my Political Science classes. This blog will look at this election very closely from the candidates to the voters and hopefully you will find this district's election as intriguing and interesting as I did. Thank you for reading and hope you enjoy it :)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Bill Owens wins NY-23!

Bill Owens

Democratic candidate Bill Owens won re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives from New York defeating Republican Matt Doheny in the traditionally Republican 23rd District of New York. The election results showed that Owens won 48.1% of the vote, Doheny won 45.8% of the vote, and Hoffman won 6% of the vote even though he encouraged his supporters to vote for Doheny. It proved to be a close race right to the end but Bill Owens managed to be victorious over his competitors. After the results were announced, he released a thank you letter on his campaign website thanking all of his supporters:

Dear Friend,

Thank you.

Thanks to your support, I was given the opportunity to serve the people of Upstate New York in Congress last year.  We beat the odds then, and because of you, we made history again last night!
Last night proved what I have known all along, the people of Upstate New York care more about commonsense solutions than tired partisan labels.  In order to move forward, we must work together.  Republicans, Democrats, and Independents all must bring solutions to the table to solve the problems that we all face.
The North Country has given me every opportunity I could have asked for and every day I will work to make ensure those same opportunities that I had continue for its residents who deserve nothing less.
There is much work to be done, but together I know we can achieve anything.

It is an honor to serve,

1 comment:

  1. I think it was very honorable of Owens to release a letter thanking his supporters. It is a way of reaching out to the voters and letting them know that they matter even after the election is over. I think that actions such as these will benefit Owens' reputation in the public eye and ultimately help him retain the support he's received.
